This week, SnackHands and Mother of SnackHands have been experimenting with fondant. We made our own using marshmallows, water and powdered sugar, and have been pretty excited with our results. Our first attempt resulted in this cake, which served a dual purpose as our entry in the Threadcakes cake contest (see our full entry here) and as a dessert for a Shakespeare Murder Mystery party:

This cake was all it took for us to become completely obsessed with fondant. Luckily, we didn't have long to wait for our second cake-decorating opportunity to arise. Today was my niece's 11th birthday (Happy Birthday, E!!!). Having learned some things from our first round of working with fondant, this one was a little bit more fun/less stressful to assemble. Here's how it turned out:
I am having so much fun playing around with fondant that if my friends, coworkers, relatives and acquaintances aren't careful, every minor event is going to be an excuse for me to present them with a cake. Got your driver's license renewed? Congratulations! Have a cake. Had to pay $3.75 in library fines? Awww, sounds like you could use a cake. New shoes? Here's a cake to match! Tuesday? Cakeday! You get the general idea.
So. You. Be prepared to eat a lot of cake. (At least until my next culinary obsession takes over.)
wow! you are one step closer to taking over the world with delishousness!